š All Minecraft Shaders and Texture Packs for FREE!!! šIt will install all the Shaders and Texture Packs to your Minecraft PE just in 1 tapWe have selected the best and most exclusive Shaders and Texture Packs for you, huge number of combinations.Start your journey to an unexplored world!Advantages of our application:ā” Freeā” Automatic map installationā” Great choiceā” All Shaders and Texture Packs testedā” The constant updating of new Shaders and Texture PacksDont forget to tell your friends about the app!Disclamer: This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PE. This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. All rights reserved. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. In accordance with http://account.mojang.com/documents/brand_guidelinesAll the files provided for download in this application belong to different developers, we, in any case do not claim the files and data of intellectual and intellectual property, and we provide them to the conditions of a free license to distribute.If you believe that we have violated your intellectual property rights, or any other agreement, write to us at
[email protected], we will immediately take the necessary measures.